A Publication of the    
Capitol Hang Glider
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April 2001  previous page  1  2  3  4  5  6           Volume 39,  Issue 4  


I'd just like to mention that just before he launched (at High Rock) Danny Brotto did something fairly impressive, which I hope we all would emulate. He was up on launch, he had done a hang check, he had just finished giving instructions to his wire crew, when he paused to run through his entire preflight in his mind. Suddenly he stopped and asked to back off launch, because he didn't remember setting the internal struts in his wingtips. He checked them, and found out that he had. But the point is: while running through it in his mind, HE DIDN'T REMEMBER DOING SOMETHING WHICH WAS PART OF HIS AUTOMATIC ROUTINE, SO BACKED OFF. Very commendable, and very much in line with the way Danny operates. He then repeated the hook in check, and at least four times I heard him mutter to himself "preflighted, hooked in, locked". He wasn't just saying it, he was making sure he remembered it. Very endearing, but also very impressive.

– Brian VH

May 18-21, 2001

Dune Competition!! at none other than Jockey's Ridge State Park

Put a team together and compete against other clubs – Bring it on!

Flight Park Competition – with Clinics, Demos, Speakers

Street Dance – party out in from of Kitty Hawk Kites like we used to!

Rogallo Foundation Awards & Bar-B-Q

Demo new gliders from Moyes, Wills Wing, US Aeros and Airwave

MAY 19 – after dune competition

Kitty Hawk Kites would like to invite all former KHK instructors who helped make Kitty Hawk Kites the largest hang gliding school in the world. So come relive old memories and rekindle old friendships as 25 years worth of instructors converge back on the place where it all began.
Call Bruce Weaver for more information on the reunion 252-441-2426

For more information call Kitty Hawk Kites toll free at 1-877-FLY-THIS or check the website at www.kitty hawk.com

 In This Issue
Mr. Fishburn 1
Minutes 2
Glider Review 3
Hangola 4
Schools and Dealers 5
KH Spectacular 6
 Monthly Features

Next Meeting

Observers 2
Wing Things 4
Instructors 5

 Previous Issues

 Mar 2001
 Feb 2001
 Jan 2001

 Current issue

Skyline is the monthly newsletter of the Capitol Hang Glider Association. CHGA represents hang glider pilots from the Washington DC mid-Atlantic region. We are committed to safety, growth and solidarity of Hang Gliding. USHGA Chapter 33