A Publication of the    
Capitol Hang Glider
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March 2001  previous page  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  next page       Volume 39,  Issue 3  

Annual Awards

Outstanding service
     David Green

Restricted LZ
     Steve Padgett

Air Hog
     Terry Spencer

Longest Flight
     Tom McGowan

Media Mogul
     Matthew Graham

CHGA Meeting Minutes

February 28, 2001
New Faces
Charles Meadows
Lynda Nelson (H-4) from Ca. Started here in '79, left in '83 and now rejoins us.
Dave O'Bryan (H-2) active 1979-82
Paul Conzola, PG from Seattle Wash
William Garrison "Tree Man"
John & Cynthia Dowdle (H-3 and H-2). John is a 10 yr H3 from Lookout, Cynthia has been a H2 since 95, flies a Pulse
John Barry a power pilot from Chattanooga wants to check out the flying lawn furniture
Bill Stump from University of MD, interested.
Paul Kunzl (paraglider)

Safety topics
Mike Balk discussed the turning problems in his left wing that led to his pounding in at the Pulpit. The cause was a torn seam on the cloth support on outer edge of the inside of his wing.
"Pay attention to intermittent problems!" Get your glider inspected by an expert.

General points and observations
Take time for a shakedown flight.
The first strong day at Woodstock is always the worst.
There is a "knowledge gap" between where new H2's think they should be on the ridge and where the observers think they should be.
Bill Garrison got into the trees because he was too aggressive and excited.
Never let yourself get behind the ridge on a low performance glider or as a beginner.
There is a big jump between the hill and the mountain.
John Middleton advised that the first mountain flight should always be with an instructor and a radio.
First Flights are not to soar but to cycle successfully through the launch and landing process.
Tow parks do not teach mountain flying, i.e. foot launch and ridge rules.
Woodstock is a technical site, get advice before making any long runs.
Accidents happen not because of what a pilot just did, but what the pilot did 15 min ago to get himself into that position.
Strong advice against soaring Smithburg; it may be the next place we bury a pilot.

Smithsonian Kite Festival
Kite Festival will be on the 23rd and 24th of March
Joe Gregor needs an artist to help him put media together
We need more brochures and new pilot editions of the newsletter.

Call for renewals, Tee shirts, new USHGA video and a reprint of the "New Pilot" newsletter.

 In This Issue
Prez Sez 1
Minutes 2
Awards 2
Lowering Device 3
Most Memorable Flight 4
Tips for Twos 5
January Hangola 6
February Hangola 7
Schools and Dealers 8
 Monthly Features

Next Meeting

Observers 4
Wing Things 6
Instructors 8

 Previous Issues

 Feb 2001
 Jan 2001

 Current issue

Skyline is the monthly newsletter of the Capitol Hang Glider Association. CHGA represents hang glider pilots from the Washington DC mid-Atlantic region. We are committed to safety, growth and solidarity of Hang Gliding. USHGA Chapter 33

15941B Shady Grove Rd. #L-197
Gaithersburg, MD 20877-1315
(202) 393-2854