A Publication of the    
Capitol Hang Glider
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March 2001  previous page  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  next page       Volume 39,  Issue 3  

Fisher Road Advisory

Due to the installment of a third, much lower wire across the poles in the LZ, everyone should make sure they walk the secondary, (now the primary), before flying.

MHGA News: Angles! Altitude! Ack!

Learn how to judge your landing pattern angles at the May 5 MHGA meeting at Oregon Ridge. Raean has constructed a scale replica of the High Rock LZ, with trees, contours, windsock, the works. It's large enough to walk around and set your head at the proper angle for each point in the approach pattern: then check it by a string attached to the giant rotating protractor at the spot! Don't miss it! (8 pm, Thursday night.)

Personnel Lowering Device

Found at the Patent Office by Matthew Graham. Now, next time you retrieve someone out of a tree, you can refer to the following schematic.

United States Patent [19]
Varner et al.

[11] Patent Number: 4,938,435
[45] Date of Patent: Jul. 3, 1990

[75] Inventors: Horace M. Varner; Ernest L. Stech,
both of Littleton, Colo.
[73] Assignee: Frost Engineering Development
Corporation, Englewood, Colo.
[21] Appl. No.: 292,483
[22] Filed: Dec. 30, 1998
[51] Int. Cl.5......B64D 17/78
[52] U.S. Cl........244/142; 188/184; 188/654; 182/231;
182/5; 244/138 R
[58] Field of Search...... 188/184, 65.4, 65.1, 188/188;
182/231-240, 5,6,7; 244/138 R, 142
[56] References Cited


656,507 8/1900 Brown .... 182/6
4,063,615 12/1977 Knepp .... 182/5
4,493,396 1/1985 Borgie .... 182/233
4,640,388 2/1987 Walborn .... 182/231
4,645,034 2/1987 Griffith ..... 182/5

Primary Examiner -- Galen Barefoot

A personnel lowering or descent control device. The device includes a housing adapted to be secured to a person intending to descend from a higher to a lower elevation, and containing a line adapted to be secured at one end to a fixed point at said higher elevation. The line is wound on a reel rotatably mounted in said housing. A brake assembly, including a centrifugal brake controls the rate of rotation of said reel and thereby the rate of descent. A mechanical brake on said housing provides a manual control of the rate of rotation of the line supply reel. The descent line is trained on a plurality of capstans mounted within the housing for absorbing energy and providing a capstan ratio effective to reduce applied line tension to slow the descent of an object supported by the said descent device.
11 Claims, 4 Drawing Sheets

 In This Issue
Prez Sez 1
Minutes 2
Awards 2
Lowering Device 3
Most Memorable Flight 4
Tips for Twos 5
January Hangola 6
February Hangola 7
Schools and Dealers 8
 Monthly Features

Next Meeting

Observers 4
Wing Things 6
Instructors 8

 Previous Issues

 Feb 2001
 Jan 2001

 Current issue

Skyline is the monthly newsletter of the Capitol Hang Glider Association. CHGA represents hang glider pilots from the Washington DC mid-Atlantic region. We are committed to safety, growth and solidarity of Hang Gliding. USHGA Chapter 33

15941B Shady Grove Rd. #L-197
Gaithersburg, MD 20877-1315
(202) 393-2854