A Publication of the    
Capitol Hang Glider
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May 2001  previous page  1  2  3  4  5  6  7   next page       Volume 39,  Issue 5  

Radio Information

Greetings from Dunlap, Tennessee

For those of you in the States who have been perplexed about "what to do" for radio's, the FCC has just made it easier for you to have some sort of communications, and probably with radios you already own.

The FCC created the "Multiple Use Radio Service", or "MURS". It consists of five VHF radio channels that allow a number of different types of communication, but will probably be mostly FM voice.

The channels are 151.820MHz, 151.880MHz, 151.940MHz, 154.570MHz and 154.500MHz. MURS requires that the radios be no more than 2 watts, but they may use external antennas (unlike FRS) and can also be interfaced with GPS, etc.

Right now it's a great thing for pilots since it's still fairly new territory in less populated areas. In the metropolitan areas these channels are shared with business users.

The most flexible option remains Ham Radio, but it still requires a test in order to get a license, although the FCC reduced the number of questions you had to get right in order to get licensed in April 2K.

If you are looking for a radio for local use or bunny hill operations, this will be a great option.

Paratus et Vigilans
Steve Robeson, LPN
Dunlap, Tennessee


From the screen of our Roving Web Reporter Cragin Shelton (pictured here when he is not hounding the web for us), come these useful or entertaining nuggets of information (polished by ellis):

From our USHGA President, David Glover

Dear Friends,

I have resigned as president of the USHGA. There are many members that have been extremely supportive of me over the last year and half. I believe there is a new attitude, openness and energy in the organization.

Jayne DePanfilis, my girlfriend, has taken a permanent position with the USHGA as CEO (previously known as executive director). The other 3 members of the USHGA executive committee made a unanimous decision and hired her after she completed a three month interim position in the USHGA office in Colorado Springs. She is great for the organization. Jayne is a hang glider pilot with an MBA and has worked at Kitty Hawk Kites and Lookout Mountain. Of course I am biased, but ask the pilots, employees, vendors, volunteers that are working with Jayne – you will hear wonderful things.

I do not want any perception or cloud of conflict of interest hanging over the association. You will hear about the many contributions she is making to the smooth running of the association. Jim Zeiset has been elected by the board of directors to complete the term of president until the fall meeting. I will soon be permanently moving out of my region to Colorado Springs to be with Jayne.

David Glover
(352) 258-4840

Paragliding across America (ala Greg DeWolf)

Will Gadd, Jim Grossman and Team Paraglide America are flying across the U.S. from May 1 to July 1 to raise money for the Peregrine Fund.

Will Gadd is the "lead bird;" he will be joined by friends and local pilots for portions of the trip. Will Gadd has set world records for distance paragliding (179 miles in one flight) and he also won the Ice Climbing World Cup '00. He is a tandem-rated United States Paragliding Instructor. He's also a world class ice climber, kayaker, rock climber and throws in some other sports such as skiing, in-line skating, mountain biking etc.

Jim Grossman will join the team for much of the flight, in addition to taking most of the photos that will be posted on this site. Jim is a top US competition pilot, tandem paragliding instructor and environmentally progressive developer. He hopes to raise awareness of the dangers urban sprawl presents to our quality of life In addition to paragliding, he is also a world class kayaker, snowboarder, skiier and surfer. Other interests include mountain biking, chess, trail running, yoga, etc.

Team Paraglide America also includes:
Chris Santacroce is one of the most experienced cross-country and aerobatic pilots in the world.

Kim Csizmazia flies with Will when conditions permit and is in charge of on-road logistics and organization. Kim is also writer, photographer and world-champion climber.

Eric Greene is the chase Crew Chief and bird expert

Gary Osoba serves as the weather and flight strategist for the team and is President of the Foundation for the Advancement of Micrometeorological Soaring

Othar Lawrence organises and competes in aerobatic paragliding events around the world. He also HANG GLIDES!

Check out their website for up to date information on their progress, daily photos and daily logs: http://www.paraglideamerica.com/

 In This Issue
Prez Sez 1
Bi-Wingual at Torrey 2
Hangola 3
Minutes 4
Pilot Personalities 4
Schools, Dealers 5
USHGA News 6
Paraglide America 6
Radio Information 6
Open Containers 7
 Monthly Features

Next Meeting

Wing Things 2
Observers 3
Instructors 5

 Previous Issues

 Apr 2001
 Mar 2001
 Feb 2001
 Jan 2001

 Current issue

Skyline is the monthly newsletter of the Capitol Hang Glider Association. CHGA represents hang glider pilots from the Washington DC mid-Atlantic region. We are committed to safety, growth and solidarity of Hang Gliding. USHGA Chapter 33

15941B Shady Grove Rd. #L-197
Gaithersburg, MD 20877-1315
(202) 393-2854