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Capitol Hang Glider
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Sept 2001  previous page  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  next page       Volume 39,  Issue 8  

The Ham test is given at the Women's Club of Laurel, 384 Main Street, the 3rd Saturday of every month (except December). There is no charge. For more information, feel free to call John Creel at 301-572-5142 after 6 pm or send him an e-mail.

Mice may be nice... but REAL hams like to play with their knobs!!

Congrats to new HAM Ellis Kim: KG4PLP

August Hangola

by Ellis Kim

Saturday, 4 August
Ontario. Christy Huddle went XC from the flightpark 6k and 24 miles.

Sunday, 5 August
Ontario. Christy Huddle did a little XC for 6.5 miles.

Manquin. Light and humid. Great conditions for Ellis Kim to learn to truck tow her bagwing. Terry Spencer towed up to take his sled and give Tex someone to practice his aerotugging with..

Ridgely. Hot, light and humid. Matthew Graham got to 7700 (he had Chad tow him there) and flew an hour. Karen Carra flew a little later and found a little lift. Matthew pimped off her and they both ended up with a half hour flight each. Bruce Satatis flew his Exxtasy.

Tuesday, 7 August
Dickey's Ridge. Hot and humid. Terry Spencer and Steve Kinsley went in search of some high air AC. Flew for a bit at 200 - 400 over. Hiked back up and just about died in the heat.

Saturday, 11 August
High Rock. Bob Gillessee, german Juergen, Brian Vant-Hull, Allen Sparks and Joe Brauch showed up for the High Rock work party and then continued on to Bill's Hill to clear some more. 5-10mph, Bob Gillesse, Joe Brauch and Allen Sparks launched and sledded.

Tuesday, 14 August
High Rock. Steve Kinsley got 4660 over, did an out and return to Zulinger. Was only wearing a T-shirt and just about froze his cookies off. Best AC ever. Doug Henderson flew also.

Monday, 20 August
High Rock. Joe Brauch in his new H3-dom and Bob Gillesse took a flight from the rock.Got 1000 over and 1.5 hours each. Nice evening glass-off.

Tuesday, 21 August
High Rock. Bob Gillesse, Kelvin Pierce, Eddie Miller, Kurtis Kemerer. Bob reports getting 2k over and 2.5 hours.

Woodstock. Terry Spencer flew for 28 mins. Steve Wendt also flew.

Wednesday, 22 August
High Rock. High Rock Bob flew again: 2 hours, 4k over, repeated low saves.

Friday, 24 August
Sacramento. Rich Green got 30 mins in unorganized lift. Nasty gradient in LZ.

Saturday, 25 August
Bill's Hill. Cragin Shelton, Bruce Engen and Dave Johnson did some site maintenance then took a couple of sleds each..

Sunday, 26 August
Jack's. Slight cross, rowdy air. Ralph Sickinger ridge soared for 20 mins up to 700 over.

Manquin. Most pilots and Cragin Shelton had sleds. Too light, not enough thermals. Terry Spencer managed to hit 3000 before sinking out.

Wednesday, 29 August
High Point. Terry Spencer, came, saw, soared, and topped out at cloud base.

 In This Issue
Prez Sez 1
June Hangola 2
High Rock Party 3
NOTAM Alert 3
July Hangola 4
August Hangola 5
US Nationals 6
Cragin's Finds 6
Schools, Dealers 7
 Monthly Features

Next Meeting

Observers 2
Wing Things 4
Instructors 7

 Previous Issues

 Jul/Aug 2001
 Jun 2001
 May 2001
 Apr 2001
 Mar 2001
 Feb 2001
 Jan 2001

 Current issue

Skyline is the monthly newsletter of the Capitol Hang Glider Association. CHGA represents hang glider pilots from the Washington DC mid-Atlantic region. We are committed to safety, growth and solidarity of Hang Gliding. USHGA Chapter 33

15941B Shady Grove Rd. #L-197
Gaithersburg, MD 20877-1315
(202) 393-2854