A Publication of the    
Capital Hang Gliding
and Paragliding Assn
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Dec 2001  previous page  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  next page       Volume 39,  Issue 10  

On the Radio

Dave and Gabriel Webb's Paragliding Radio show: Every Thursday from 8:00 to 10:00 on www.wsradio.ws.

Dave and Gabriel are a father and son team teaching paragliding at Torrey Pines in San Diego, Ca.

Para Speck Page

Para Speck Contents this month:
MAPA Minutes
Ever thought of getting an Airbag for your PG?
On the Radio (side column)

MAPA Minutes

The November meeting of the Mid-Atlantic Paragliders took place this past Wednesday evening at Lasick's. Dave Salmon provided us some details about his upcoming trip to Chile and Argentina. Airfare only about $700. They leave around the 9th of December.

LE mentioned that there will probably be a trip to Brazil this winter, possibly January or February time frame. If you're interested, be attentive to e-mail on the list, and contact LE in February if you haven't heard any details. I'd like to go to Valle de Bravo, Mexico this winter. It has been the subject of several articles in recent issues of "Paraglider" and it should be fairly affordable. Airfare seems to be in the mid $300s out of BWI. If any one else is interested, please let me know. I'm willing to do some general fact-finding and trip planning. You can learn more about fly in Valle de bravo at www.flymex.com/mexico.

Ben gave very informative class on how to get out of a tree once you find yourself in one, or Self-tree Rescue 101. Although I carry a saw, carabiners, and line, I learned a lot about the best line to use (6.5 mm static purline (sp)), different lowering devices, and what to think about now so I'll be prepared when (not if) it happens to me. I have one tree landing experience which occurred on a static-line jump on a round canopy from a C-130, but that's another story.

No definitive word yet on when club mergers will occur. MAPA's next meeting is scheduled for the second Wednesday in January the 9th, at 7:00PM at Lasick's. We hope to be regaled by Pedro and David's flying experiences in South America (Pictures Pedro??). Wayne Elseth may provide a short session on radios (frequencies we use, what licenses we're suppose to have, how to get them, radio etiquette, modifying radios and why, where to buy radios (new used) etc. Wayne is a very knowledgeable guy, and I'm sure he can answer any questions you might have.

Matthew Graham announced that the CHGA Christmas party is in Bethesda on the 21st. Please look for e-mail traffic about that event or e-mail Matthew directly.

For the benefit of some new flyers to the area, you need to join USHGA (you can do this on line and you get a nice monthly magazine). Also to fly many sites maintained by one of the four hang-glider or Paraglider clubs, (some on private property) you need complete site waivers. And know the restrictions. A good investment is a site guide. You can find information about the site guide and site waivers at

CHGA's homepage: http://www.mhga.com.

Be informed, and fly safe. Thom

Ever thought of getting an Airbag for your PG?

This is what Rob Manzoni of Airborne Paragliding in South Africa has to say about them. If you think differently, please let us know. We'll happily publish Letters to the Editor:

The advertisements for airbags are pretty smooth, but consider your impact momentum should you land "sideways" or not fully backwards. Sideways, there's no protection whatsoever, and backwards, but "off-center" will certainly cause whiplash (I've seen it happen many times).

Most serious injuries seem to occur just after take off - long before your airbag is inflated - even if you do land squarely on your back, it will be no help - a foam/plastic sandwich is imperative.

Water landings: Here the bulky bag will be a dangerous hindrance to survival.

I've also seen the valve-openings catch on the ground (rocks) and other obstacles over which a pilot has "skimmed".

If I seem negative, It's because I regularly see the worst applications of "airbag complacency". I've watched pilots (including an instructor) landing purposely on their bums... because: "I've got an airbag..." I've heard the most outrageous sales-pitches for airbags, comparing the injuries of students in a mid-air collision (STUDENTS?!... IN A MID- AIR COLLISION..??) and faring differently because "one had an airbag"..This on two separate occasions on the same day - at the same site... under the same instructor... who promotes airbags..... And lands on his bum...

For my money, I'd prefer to see a pilot get his (her) legs down when impact is imminent. It's my firm belief that more than fifty percent of serious accidents which I've witnessed would have been relatively minor if the pilot had prepared for a PLF.

Strangely, It seems that they don't increase drag to any significant extent. (according to observations to date). If you land squarely on your back - it will be a great help - the best option if you can't get your legs down.

Useless in the water - unless you're very level-headed. Provides plenty of storage. Not really cost-effective as protection - more an exercise in promotion.

I'd think again before buying one

Rob Manzoni

Airborne Paragliding
AirBear Productions
Cape Town
PO Box 163
Green Point 8051
South Africa.

 In This Issue
Prez Sez 1
Para Speck Page 2
Incident Reporting 3
High Rock Updates 4
Regionals Results 5
Winter Gear 6
Mike Champlin XC contest 7
Schools, Dealers 8
 Monthly Features

Next Meeting

Wing Things 5
Observers 7
Instructors 8

 Previous Issues

 Oct 2001
 Sept 2001
 Jul/Aug 2001
 Jun 2001
 May 2001
 Apr 2001
 Mar 2001
 Feb 2001
 Jan 2001

Skyline is the monthly newsletter of the Capital Hang Glider Association. CHGA represents hang glider pilots from the Washington DC mid-Atlantic region. We are committed to safety, growth and solidarity of Hang Gliding. USHGA Chapter 33

15941B Shady Grove Rd. #L-197
Gaithersburg, MD 20877-1315
(202) 393-2854

Skyline Staff:
Editor, Layout:
Ellis Kim 703.536.3209
and Karen Carra

Photographer: Ellis Kim
Illustrator: Tex Forrest
Production: Cragin Shelton
Web Design: Judy McCarty

List Server Administration: Dave Green

Board of Directors:
 Pr:  Tom McGowan
 VP/Tr:  Mike Balk
 Sect:  Ed Reno
 Safety:  Carlos Weill
 Dir. at Lg:  Steve Kinsley