A Publication of the    
Capital Hang Gliding
and Paragliding Assn
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Feb 2002    1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  next page       Volume 40,  Issue 2  

The February meeting of the Capital Hang Gliding and Paragliding Assn. is Wednesday the 27th at 8:00pm

The Capital Hang Gliding and Paragliding Association meets on the fourth Wednesday of every month. Meetings are held downstairs at Lasick's Beef House.

Directions: 0.8 mile inside the beltway on Route 1 South, just past the Super 8 Motel (College Park exit off I-495).
Note: If coming from points north on I-95, at the Capital Beltway stay right at the split and then take the immediate left exit to Route 1 South, College Park.


Lasick's Beef House
9128 Baltimore Blvd.
College Park MD 20740
(301) 441-2040


Hi there! I suppose I should begin by introducing myself; I'm Ralph Sickinger, aka "R2". (Ok, also known as "Streamer Boy", but that's a long story...)

So here I am trying to pretend that I know something about publishing a newsletter, and wondering how I wound up in this predicament. Actually, I know how I got here - I volunteered; but it was really just a defensive reflex to keep from getting nominated for President! I'm still disappointed that my candidate lost, but you can be sure that I'll be voting "Kim for President" in '03!

But, I digress... I'm pretending to be an editor/publisher, and since most publications include a foreword or editor's column, I've decided to do the same. Which means that you get to look forward to reading all about whatever is on my mind, ev-er-y sing-le month... (Hey, if you don't like it, you are MORE than welcome to have this job for yourself!)

So, the burning question on my mind this month is: Who is the brain-trust that decides where to put things in vending machines? I mean, how smart is it to put the really fragile products (like potato chips) on the very top shelf, so that they can plummet a full five feet to the dispensing tray, where YOU get to collect a bag full of crumbs?? Inquiring minds want to know! Meanwhile, a Snickers bar, which could survive a fall from the top of a small building, is stocked on the bottom shelf, where it lands safely in the tray! Speaking of landing safely, February is our annual safety meeting. (Did you like how smoothly I did that?) This month's meeting will be dedicated to discussions of what went wrong last year, and how best to not do it again this year. We'll also talk about what we did right last year, and how to make sure that we keep doing it. One thought along this line is the mountain landing contest sponsored by our Flight Director, Chris "Party On" McKee. (Boy - doesn't that sound like a conflict-of-interest!) It's fun to participate in, and really motivates you to practice good landing techniques. (In case the freedom from injuries and the money saved on bent aluminum isn't motivation enough).

Anyway, if you only attend one club meeting this year, this one is the one to make.

So, as I finish my first column, happily snacking on a pile of potato chip crumbs, I'm struck by one last thought: maybe they could pack these things with tiny little parachutes so that they would fall more slowly. Of course, then they would have to go around to all of the vending machines periodically to inspect and repack the little potato chip parachutes. So, I'm guessing that it's probably not going to happen. However, we pilots will have the opportunity to inspect and repack our own 'chutes this month. Details provided by Brian Vant-Hull on page 3. (There I go again... another smooth segue!)

Hmm. Maybe this editing job isn't so hard after all! Now if I can just get to the printer in time...

 In This Issue
Pre-Flight 1
Prez Sez 2
Parachute Repack 3
Directions to Repack 4
Mountain Landing Contest 5
PR Days 6
Photo Album 7
Schools, Dealers 8
 Monthly Features

Next Meeting

Wing Things 3
Observers 7
Instructors 8

 Previous Issues

 Jan 2002
 Dec 2001
 Oct 2001
 Sept 2001
 Jul/Aug 2001
 Jun 2001
 May 2001
 Apr 2001
 Mar 2001
 Feb 2001
 Jan 2001

 Current issue

Skyline is the monthly newsletter of the Capital Hang Gliding and Paragliding Association. CHGPA represents hang glider pilots from the Washington DC mid-Atlantic region. We are committed to safety, growth and solidarity of Hang Gliding. USHGA Chapter 33

15941B Shady Grove Rd. #L-197
Gaithersburg, MD 20877-1315
(202) 393-2854