A Publication of the    
Capital Hang Gliding
and Paragliding Assn
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Apr 2002  previous page  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  next page       Volume 40,  Issue 4  

Smithsburg Notice

Smithsburg training hill is closed for the season.

It will re-open in Fall, after the crops have been harvested.


Joe Brauch

The Daylight is back!

I know I had a good day flying made all that much more enjoyable by having a nice long evening of sunshine. I have brushed off the cobwebs of last winter and dove into the spring air at Fishers. It looks like many people are back into the swing of the season. I have heard many flights made at Woodstock and Jacks. Everyone keep safe and remember those basics of good strong launch and when it's all over, a hard flare to absorb all that energy that would otherwise go towards a whack.

I visited with Emma Jane at the High Rock LZ. She is dong well. The recovery was not proceeding as well as planned but that was due mostly to some inattentive doctors. She got an infection and ended up having additional surgery to fix work already done. The original doctor was upset with the follow up care Emma Jane was receiving in Hagerstown. Other than that she was up and about and has some recovering to do but her spirits are great and she misses all the Hang glider pilots stopping by. Randy and Harry are holding up well also. Emma did mention that the local community does not know what has happened to the Hang gliders. I am working on a plaque to put at the Rock and an article for their local paper.

Logo Contest:

The official CHGPA (Chugpa) Logo Contest is still on! If you would like to submit entries and have not already done so please email or call me to let me know. If you need more time or a still working on one let me know that also and I can hold the contest over another month. Otherwise, we will be judging the entries already received and declare a winner soon.

Finally, I would like to thank the guys from Dukes of Windsoar (Danny and Ed) and Highland Aeorsports (Chad and Sunny) for coming out to our last meeting. They shared information on Paraglider towing, Powered Paragliders and procedures and safety for Aerotowing. Everyone is open so go fly!


 In This Issue
Fly-In Fun 1
Pre-Flight 2
Taking Flight to the Public 3
Prez Sez 4
Thinkin' About... 5
Photo Gallery 6
New CHGPA Web Site 7
Schools, Dealers 8
 Monthly Features

Next Meeting

Wing Things 3
Observers 7
Instructors 8

 Previous Issues

 Mar 2002
 Feb 2002
 Jan 2002
photo by Ralph Sickinger  Dec 2001
 Oct 2001
 Sept 2001
 Jul/Aug 2001
 Jun 2001
 May 2001
 Apr 2001
 Mar 2001
 Feb 2001
 Jan 2001